THE SPIRIT of unity and togetherness between Britain and Poland is being celebrated at the Rural Life Centre at Tilford on Sunday (July 2).

The annual Polish Day – or Polski Dzien – from 10am to 5pm, is one of the most popular events on the calendar of the centre which is home to the Tweedsmuir Polish Camp exhibition.

The former camp, at Thursley, was where many Polish families, displaced by the Second World War, were accommodated from 1947 to 1960.

It was here that the brothers Zen and Wies Rogalski spent their early years, and they went on to establish the building that houses the exhibition.

It was a proud moment for them when it was officially opened in 2012 by the Polish ambassador.

Polish Day offers visitors a chance to find out about the history of the links between the two countries and about the culture of Poland.

And it gives ex-patriots a chance to re-unite and reminisce, to enjoy food and drink from their homeland, dancing and themed talks.

There will be stalls of Polish craft too.

For more information visit or call 01252 795571.