Bertie Cox, aged eight from Sheet Primary School, raised a whopping £150 from a comic and cupcake sale held in the playground after school.

A keen animator, Bertie drew the eight-page comic himself and his school friends were able to buy a copy of the comic along with a cupcake for £1.

All money raised went towards his mum Alice’s Justgiving page as she is volunteering as a driver with Eden Aid ( to drive a four-day, 4,000km, non-stop round-trip across Europe to the Ukraine border, with minimal sleep, to deliver minibuses full of much-needed aid and medical supplies.

On the return journey, they will be coming back to the UK with the minibuses full of displaced Ukrainians – with a focus on the most vulnerable; the old, sick or disabled, pregnant and mums with small children – to bring them back to their pre-arranged host families in the UK to start building their new lives.

Everyone involved with the charity are volunteering their time for free so all money raised goes directly towards funding more humanitarian trips each week.

To donate to Bertie, and his mum’s cause, visit