SUPERHEROES and Star Wars will be part of an action-packed bank holiday weekend of fun, food and shopping in Petersfield as the Summer Festival will take over the town centre.

The shindig organised by the Petersfield Community Events team will feature everything you’ve come to expect and with live music, stalls, classic cars, drink and street food to tempt visitors.

The fun will begin this Saturday evening with live music in the Square from REMbrandt and LEGENDS from 7pm.

But it will really rev up the next day as organisers have brought back a display of classic motorcycles because of  public demand. 

Sunday is also Superhero Day with an ensemble of heroes and characters from Hampshire Cosplay taking to the streets in a festival first.

There will be numerous photo opportunities with a superhero fancy dress competition taking place onstage at 3.45pm.

The focus will be on the dark side on Bank Holiday Monday as it’s the return of the Force Festival with Stormtroopers and other Star Wars characters making the imperial march through town.