A Petersfield midwife has embraced the manta ‘hair today, gone tomorrow’ after getting her head shaved for Cancer Research.

Sue Rutter is used to welcoming lives into the world as she’s cared for countless expectant mothers and their newborn babies over the last three decades at the Grange Maternity Centre.

But now she’s hoping to save a few by losing her locks in aid of the charity, with Claire at Petersfield salon Review giving the fundraiser a sharp new look.

Sue also had the chop in support of her cousin, Linda, who is currently battling cancer.

She said: “Cancer affects so many people and it’s hard to know what youcan do to offer support.

“My cousin has been so brave but her latest treatment will see her lose her hair, so I said ‘if yours goes, so does mine’.”

Well-wishers can donate by searching for Sue Rutter at www.justgiving.com