Petersfield Town Council is pushing on with plans to give the toilet block at Heath Pond a much-needed upgrade.

The council expects to spend around £250,000 on refurbishing and extending the block with a changing places toilet, new urinals and storage area planned.

Some £65,000 in council funding has been earmarked for the work with developer contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy funding likely to cover most of the bill.

Plans to update the block first came before the council’s Grounds Committee last September when PTC accepted a free “initial ideas report” from an AWW architect with links to the town.

The council asked for more detailed plans and “guestimates” with the committee preferring a refurbishment to a new build due to a £100,000 difference. 

Confirmed plans and costings will now be sought while proposals to build a ramp to improve access from Heath Road West are also being explored.